

Fook Sao Ulrich Stauner

The fook sao is the forward controlling hand. Its appearance reminds a praying mantis.

Gaan Sao Ulrich Stauner

The gaan sao is a hand move that reminds of a plough. It moves downwards following the orientation line.

Biu Sao Ulrich Stauner

Biu sao is a forwardly oriented movement, regularly used under the other arm as an emergency attack. It points towards the target one wants to...

Bong Sao Ulrich Stauner

The bong sao is a defensive helping hand. It serves to change from one side of the opponent to the other, respectively from the inside to the...


  • Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004

  • 0457763
  • ©Copyright by Ulrich Stauner Ving Tsun Kung Fu 2004-2024

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