The pak sao is discribed as a slapping hand. It's one of the more widely used moves in ving tsun. This move is an excellent preparation for the...
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Brunngartenstr. 5 85221 Dachau / Germany , Phone: +49 8131 - 27 60 60
The pak sao is discribed as a slapping hand. It's one of the more widely used moves in ving tsun. This move is an excellent preparation for the...
Biu sao is a forwardly oriented movement, regularly used under the other arm as an emergency attack. It points towards the target one wants to...
The laan sao will be described as locking arm. It is used to free some space from the opponent in front of the body, to build up space in which...
The bong sao is a defensive helping hand. It serves to change from one side of the opponent to the other, respectively from the inside to the...
Wu sao will be described as protecting hand. It is the last line of defense in front of the body, before the attack reaches it.
The scissors gaan sao is to be considered equally as defensive or offensive move. It protects the whole upper body from waist to head.
As kwan sao, we describe a move composed of a tan sao and a deep bong sao. It is a defensive as well as an offensive move.
The jut sao is executed with the inner part of the wrist and serves as a preparation for further attacks like a punch or a fung hao.
The fung hao is an attack executed with the side of one's hand that will generally be directed to the neck of the opponent. The fung hao is...
Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004
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