Brunngartenstr. 5 85221 Dachau / Germany , Phone: +49 8131 - 27 60 60
Brunngartenstr. 5 85221 Dachau / Germany , Phone: +49 8131 - 27 60 60
You won't learn a hitting ving tsun, but instead a ving tsun kung fu like you've never seen or heard of.
Sifu Stauner was the first of many to teach the level one in Germany.
As we have no interest in stealing other's students, let's clear up missunderstandings and fears of that kind from the beginning.
Our ''level one'' should be considered as a complementary formation for students that already have chi sao knowledge. Which means we teach our knowledge (level one) entirely in seminars or as a complete formation of it's own based on the prices as descriebed hereafter.
If someone decides to contact us, he is welcome to do so per phone or mail.
What is level one ?
We define the level one program as a formation that follows the normal class, beginning with basics of chi sao skills.
In this program, there are no techniques or sections, and even less applications for a confrontation. It contains exercices and drills that will allow the students to understand and achieve given skills like the followings :
Ving tsun kung fu is a system that is renowned for its devastating hitting techniques.
For many of the initiated people, the system falsely seems to be mostly limited to chain punch combinations. But there definitely is much more than that to it.
Wong Shun Leung already stated that these people were teaching an incomplete version of this devastating martial art.
Many people just don't know anything else, never having had the chance to discover it presented otherwise.
Grandmaster Yip Man stopped using punches in chi sao and even less of the crossing hands system.
He turned his opponents off by pushing and pulling them, which also initially belongs to ving tsun system.
For a high level ving tsun practitioner, pushing and pulling should belong to the program anyway. It just makes him a smarter fighter.
The level one is meant to build the structure and strength needed to than practice the push and pull techniques.
Formation in three sections
Because it is for many people impossible or at least difficult to complete the whole intensive level one formation at once, I decided to divide it in three sections as follows.
At the successful conclusion of the following program, a certificate approved by Gary Lam will be delivered.
First section of the formation:
Duration: one week / Monday to Friday 10.30 – 16.00 Uhr
Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
Modest accommodation available: 12.- € per day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Second section of the formation :
Duration: one week / Monday to Friday 10.30 – 16.00 Uhr
Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
Modest accommodation available: 12.- € per day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Third section of the formation :
Duration: Two weeks / Monday to Friday 10.30 – 16.00 Uhr
Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
Modest accommodation available: 12.- € per day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004
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