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Level Two

Formation in three sections

First section :

feeling--- control---internal power

  • two hands under (Chi Sao) :
    • Tan sao
      wrong paak /changing
      huen sao
      gaan sao
      under gaan
      jut sao
      pao sao
      lateral coming out
  • two hands on top (Chi Sao) :
    • inside gaan sao
      big gaan sao
      huen sao
      under gaan
      biu sao
      jut sao
      pao sao
      wrong pak-changing hand
      control centreline (pushing & pulling - Chi sao)
      Finding and controlling of the centerline

    Duration: one week / Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
    Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
    Modest accommodation available: 12,00€ per day

    Second section:

  • Breaking Powerpoints / Closing - Centerline
  • Distance work, various distances

  • Pao Sao pushing (Chi Sao)
  • Jut Sao pushing (Chi Sao)
  • Chi Gerk
  • Training of legs feeling and linked applications

    Duration: one week / Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
    Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
    Modest accommodation available: 12,00€ per day

    Third section :

  • 6 Po Pai hands training
    • quan sao - po pai
      gaan sao - po pai
      biu sao - po pai
      huen sao - po pai
      wrong bong sao - po pai
      correct bong sao - po pai
  • Ving tsun kicking
  • eight ving tsun kicks and exemples of applications

  • Poon sao training
  • Chi sao, crossing hands, timing, internal power

  • Dragon Pole Training
  • Dragonpole form, drills and applications

    Duration: two weeks / Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
    Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
    Modest accommodation available: 12,00€ per day

    • Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004

    • 0459095
    • ©Copyright by Ulrich Stauner Ving Tsun Kung Fu 2004-2025

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