Brunngartenstr. 5 85221 Dachau / Germany , Phone: +49 8131 - 27 60 60
Brunngartenstr. 5 85221 Dachau / Germany , Phone: +49 8131 - 27 60 60
Formation in three sections
First section :
feeling--- control---internal power
Duration: one week / Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
Modest accommodation available: 12,00€ per day
Second section:
Distance work, various distances
Training of legs feeling and linked applications
Duration: one week / Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
Modest accommodation available: 12,00€ per day
Third section :
eight ving tsun kicks and exemples of applications
Chi sao, crossing hands, timing, internal power
Dragonpole form, drills and applications
Duration: two weeks / Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Price: Please ask Sifu Stauner
Modest accommodation available: 12,00€ per day
Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004
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