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Ving Tsun Kuen, "KUEN KUITS , the Essenz of Ving Tsun Kung Fu

English-Version as PDF-DVD

All about the secrets of Ving Tsun. Important Know How for all true Ving Tsun-Fighters. A Inspiration for all Styles.

About 240 sheets.

content of english book

  • Sifu Gary Lam about his Student Uli Stauner
  • Translater`s Note
  • Foreword
  • Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun – Yes or No ?
  • Why Martial Art ?
  • About the Author
  • I am what I am
  • Introduction
  • What is Ving Tsun Kung Fu ?
  • Does your Ving Tsun look like Ving Tsun ?
  • Secret Techiques in Ving Tsun Kung Fu
  • My Sifu and me
  • Differences between Gary Lam / Ulrich tauner Ving Tsun and other WT/WC/VC-Styles and Spellings
  • Master and Titles
  • How do I become a formidable Ving Tsun Martial Artist ?
  • Gary Lam certified level threes in the world
  • My Styles of Ving Tsun
  • Illusion & Reality in Martial Arts
  • The “level one” of Gary Lam Ving Tsun
  • Level one, two, three of Gary Lam Ving Tsun
  • Better and worse Ving Tsun Fighters
  • Why Certificates ?
  • The Structure in Ving Tsun Kng Fu
  • The Principle of the Triangle Application
  • The Principle of Approaching
  • The “two Points” – Principle
  • The Alignment Line
  • Stopping Hands, ontrolling Hands, Hitting Hands
  • Lap Sao Part 2
  • Control Centerline
  • Advanced Chi Sao
  • Chi Sao Theory Part IV
  • Chi Sao Theory Part V
  • What is Gwoh Sao and how does it work !
  • The Ellbow and its Position
  • The eight most important Hands of Ving Tsun
  • Particularities on the weaponless Forms
  • Application thinking in Ving Tsun
  • Blocking and Covering
  • How do I bridge the Distance to my Enemy?
  • Important for Teachers
  • Brawling / Sparring / Competitions
  • For the advanced Practitioners
  • Ving Tsun Kung Fu – Theories and Principles
  • The Training Partner
  • Ten Points on why Ving Tsun does not work for some People !
  • Ving Tsun “Kuen Kuits”
  • and so on........

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" Ving Tsun Kuen Kuen Kuits, the „Essence“ of Ving Tsun Kung Fu
Level Three – Theory "

Sifu Ulrich Stauner gives us a book plenty of theory in the level three of Gary Lam
Ving Tsun . In this book , we will understand the more advanced aspects and
principles of the Gary Lam Ving Tsun. Well written and well translated it was a real
pleasure to red it.

But i think that more than that. In the volume three, Sifu Ulrich Stauner goes more
on his personal thoughts about Ving tsun in general and not just about the Level
Three . And that is what make this book really interesting. it's the mixing of
personal thoughts and explanation of Ving tsun principles.

In addtion we have the Ving Tsun " Kuen Kuits " : Ving tsun "
Rules of Conduct " written by Ip Man expained to us to further more understand
the principles .

As an overal view , it's a really great book and I recommend it to everyone who
is Interessed in The Gary Lam system and in Sifu Ulrich Stauner's way of
teaching and explaning it .

Sandro Castro Level One in Gary Lam/Ulrich Stauner Ving Tsun Kung Fu " 1.Feb.

  • Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004

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